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Okay fine, but let\'s see you flex your kegels

That’s right, folks, question marks in the headline can mean only one thing: it’s time to prognosticate! Will humans land on Mars?  Is purple the new pink? Would this monkey let me squeeze her tits for a banana?  No one can say for sure, and that means we’re free to speculate wildly! Yee ha!

Though I have it on good authority that Gambit wasn’t in the original X-Men Origins: Wolverine script, the consensus on the interwebs is that he’s in it, and he’ll be played by some fruity looking nancy boy.

Scooper ‘Chaos Bringer’ has revealed on Superhero Hype!‘s message boards that "Friday Night Lights" star Taylor Kitsch will play Gambit (AKA Remy LeBeau) in director Gavin Hood’s X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Kitsch has signed a three-picture deal.

You may remember Chaos Bringer from his pulitzer prize winning reportage vis a vis the Teapot Dome scandal. 

Anyway, remember when a superhero could be played by a regular dude with a swagger and a beer gut, a la George Reeves?  Now we get former Diesel models who are "passionate about nutrition and fitness" and the guy from Hairspray.  Not to mention, his name is "Taylor".  Might as well name your kid "Twinkle Toes", or "Jazz Hands".  In this movie, instead of throwing exploding playing cards, Gambit’ll probably release butterflies or white doves… okay, on second thought, exploding doves would actually be really cool.

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